Ministry of Hope is beginning a development partnership with Warren Wilson College for a restorative justice program!


"Access to education is one of the biggest contributors to a person’s success upon transitioning from incarceration. Less than 5.6% of women who achieve a Bachelor's Degree after incarceration reoffend." - research by Northwestern University


THE HEMLOCK HOUSE at Warren Wilson College


Ministry of Hope is happy to announce a new Restorative Justice Program partnership with Warren Wilson College.

Hemlock House is a joint partnership currently in the development phase between the Ministry of Hope and Warren Wilson College's Office of Spiritual Life. Together these two entities hope to provide educational access, support and wrap around post release services that support program participants on their journeys to restoration.

"Access to education is one of the biggest contributors to a person’s success upon transitioning from incarceration. Less than 5.6% of women who achieve a Bachelor's Degree after incarceration reoffend." - Northwestern University

Hemlock House could provide an opportunity for 6-8 women to live communally on the Warren Wilson campus while they pursue their bachelor's degrees. This program will provide stable, safe, communal space where the program participants can heal and thrive upon their release. Participants will receive access to full time education, on campus employment, access to post release requirements as well as supportive service including mental and physical health care.

This extraordinary opportunity for all involved is best summed up in the words of Tay, as one of the women currently in prison explains:

"This program is a life changer.  I just want to use my mistakes to help others learn a different way to deal with their problemsthan the way I did.  I want to study psychology and social work and this will give me the chance to do it in a community that supports me and where I don’t have to be ashamed of my past.”

• To reduce recidivism rates and create a more just community by providing a seamless path towards degree completion which has been shown to reduce re-offending by almost 50%.
• To increase opportunities for students, faculty and staff of Warren Wilson College to access and participate in learning with and from a population who is rarely given a seat at the table yet has unique experience that could help shape instruction, curriculum and discernment.

All proceeds will be used to support expand reentry and transitional prgrams, housing, and educational efforts for women released from Western Correctional Center for Women (WCCW) as they integrate into productive members of our community.

If you would like to make a donation to this program, please CLICK HERE to make an online donation now, or visit our CONTACT page to see our address for any mailed in donations.

NOTE: Be sure to note in "message" line that you would like this to be gifted towards "reentry/transitional" programs - as we are currently raising funds to build the services and operational needs for housing such as Hemlock House.