On-site chaplaincy services

Funded one full-time and one part-time chaplain. The chaplains provided daily pastoral care by leading and coordinating services in the chapel, praying with inmates and providing support in times of family crisis. Chaplains also collaborated with substance abuse and mental health resources and lead grief, support and healing groups that included 90-day drug and alcohol treatment program, GED, College Classes, AA, NA, Al-Anon, and Celebrate Recovery.

Transitional Mentoring

The Transitional Mentoring Program provided mental, emotional, physical and spiritual assistance to highly motivated women both during their incarceration and as they transition back into society, thus empowering them to make positive changes in their lives and to achieve self-sufficiency. Ministry of Hope also trained volunteers to work with women in transition (SCCW clients) as they prepared to reenter society. Transitional Mentors served as a personal role model before and after release, assisted with such things as job and house hunting, and setting up a budget. They met face-to-face with clients in the prison, attended onsite group mentoring meetings, communicated by mail, and used “transitional passes” set up specifically for putting the Transition Plan into action. (Ideally, the role model relationship begins two years prior to release and continues post-release for at least one year.)

“Read-Me-A-Story” Program

The “Read-Me-A-Story” Program allowed mothers to read and record bedtime stories to send to their children (along with the book), to be listened to over and over during their time of separation.

Spiritual Recovery from Domestic Violence

The Spiritual Recovery from Domestic Violence Program, developed as a first-of-its-kind by Chaplain Dalton, supported the healing and recovery of SCCW residents. Twice each year groups meet for twelve-weeks using evidence-based curriculum developed for prisons. The material deals with childhood and adult trauma. The chaplain adds material directly related to survivors of domestic violence and intimate partner abuse. These women often choose to spend one-on-one time with the chaplain addressing their specific recovery needs.

Grief Recovery Program

The Ministry of Hope’s new program for understanding grief (slated to start in the summer of 2020) helps guide and facilitate a support group, uniquely designed to help those suffering from loss to explore the many facets of their unique grief through journaling. Ten essential touchstones are covered, including being open to the presence of loss, dispelling misconceptions about grief, embracing the uniqueness of grief, seeking reconciliation, and reaching out for help. Those participating in the program are asked specific questions about their feelings of grief as they relate to the ten essential touchstones and are provided with journaling supplies for their reflections. Supplies for the attendees will be provided by the Ministry of Hope, and this program will be a 12 week session (1 class per week) - serving 10 women per session, and will be offered twice a year.

Mothers And Children

A Mothers and Teens Retreat was held at Land of the Sky UCC (in Asheville) to allow for reunions and bonding with age appropriate activities and outdoor events.


While we support and help facilitate the volunteer activities and programs allowed within SCCW such as Kairos and many others, our chaplains are unique in that they are not considered volunteers and are allowed to work alongside SCCW staff onsite on a daily basis.



(now cancelled due to COVID-19)



Read more about this HERE

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